Seeing Our Life Through Others

We filter our life’s experiences through our own ‘maps of reality’ and personal experiences. We tend to make reference points because that is easier to deal with situations. It tells us that nothing has changed….however life changes every minute. Because someone acted one way a while back, does that mean they still act that way?  Not necessarily, however a reference point will assume it does. Are we seeing with “new eyes” when we go into similar situations with the same people?  How are you responding to life?   Life is not what happens to us or around us, but whether we

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Internal work needed

Many people are already familiar with the fact that emotional stress/anxiety can lead to stomach aches, headaches and even migraines. Many may not realize that it can also cause other physical ailments and even chronic pain. These physical pains are usually a signal that a person has more internal emotional work to do.  Even if you have experienced trauma in your life, you may not be aware of the lingering effect in the body and these are unresolved issues. Next time you feel physical pain try looking inside to see what emotions you are suppressing. Pain acts as a spiritual

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Emotional Stress / Anxiety

Many people are already familiar with the fact that emotional stress/anxiety can lead to stomach aches, headaches and even migraines. Many may not realize that it can also cause other physical ailments and even chronic pain. These physical pains are usually a signal that a person has more internal emotional work to do. Even if you have experienced trauma in your life, you may not be aware of the lingering effect in the body and these are unresolved issues. Next time you feel physical pain try looking inside to see what emotions you are suppressing. Pain acts as a spiritual

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Beliefs about Life

Beliefs are what we really truly want in life. Unfortunately our experiences and programming from childhood become the basis of our beliefs.  These come from parents, teachers and people who nurtured us. These beliefs that we took on unfortunately end up acting on us in a way that is limiting…as blind faith Why you do things, who told you, and is it really important to do something for another that way.  For example, do you believe security comes from having external things (money, possessions, job)?  These are great to have, but are they the source of your security? When you lose

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Finding Peace in Life

Our way to peace is in the understanding that it cannot be found in the world, but resides within each and every one of us. Our inner peace is the knowledge of who we are. We often struggle to find peace in our world, but it  already exists in us…not out there. Go into your inner heart and there you will find peace, and you will notice how it radiates out to our families, friends, communities, etc. Peace leads to the discovery of our true self within and the love that we are.

Experience of releasing a childhood trauma

When I was 5-6 years of age, my parents told my brother and I that we were moving from the city, to one of the new suburbs outside of Montreal, Quebec.  They were planning to take us the following weekend to see our new home.  I also remember being  nervous to be moving.  We had been living above my grandparents duplex since I was born, and I could always go downstairs to see them and often go places with them. It was winter time and I remember it being a cold and greyish day. When we arrived at the new house, I remember the feelings

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What really holds us back?

I like to call it the ‘final frontier’.  It is located between our ears, and it is what we repeatedly say to ourselves, about ourselves…whether we put ourselves down…to big, too skinny, not good enough, guilt, shame, fear, anxiety.. or the great things we believe about ourselves,… I feel good about myself, I can do anything I focus on, I feel such peace and happiness inside…it is those thoughts (chatter) in our head that create the feelings we have, and these can control us from being the best we can be in life, or help us to soar.  It’s like being on one

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Release patterns of excess weight

Often,what we think about ourselves, what we believe we have to be or not be, or an event in our life that changed our self-perception..these are just a few of the hidden reasons why we keep weight on.  You have the ability to change these beliefs or thoughts about yourself that are right inside of you. This will lead to shedding that excess weight and keeping it off!!  Hard to believe…yet it is true.  Only when you are ready to face the causes inside of you, will this work.  Like anything else, when you want to solve a problem, you need to go to the cause of that

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Looking for a few committed people who really want to lose weight

No diet pills, no diets, no exercise, no buying special foods…..simply determined to lose weight the way the body was meant to. This is a new program out – like nothing you have done before. The body has all the answers internally to have you become the person you would like to be. Most exessive weight is maintained through distortions of our thinking, feeling, personalities, and sub-conscious minds from beliefs we have learned early on in life. Our bodies are our natural healing source for weight. Tired of old methods and want results. Go to the life coaching tab at

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Steps to become who you want to be

It starts with what you are thinking.  You see, our thoughts and our beliefs about ourselves determine our outcome, results and experiences. Imagine your brain having two sides…one is the thinker and one is the prover.  So what the thinker thinks…the prover proves. A lot of this starts with the programming that we have put there over time from our family, our environment, our teachers and friends. Much of this started when we were young and we adopted these “limiting habits of thinking and patterns”, and we have never really looked at them since. If you look at things today….how

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