Steps to become who you want to be

It starts with what you are thinking.  You see, our thoughts and our beliefs about ourselves determine our outcome, results and experiences. Imagine your brain having two sides…one is the thinker and one is the prover.  So what the thinker thinks…the prover proves. A lot of this starts with the programming that we have put there over time from our family, our environment, our teachers and friends. Much of this started when we were young and we adopted these “limiting habits of thinking and patterns”, and we have never really looked at them since. If you look at things today….how much have you let the masses out there control you? Are you trying to keep up, be just like them, focus on more money, etc.?  My question for you is are you looking externally (outside of you) for success, wealth and happiness?  Have you found it?  Watch for my next post to continue this thought.