Work locally or Globally

“Cutting Edge” Healing Programs, done on Zoom for those who:

  1. Are looking for an opportunity to learn new advanced healing methods.
  2. Now are healers and looking for new methods and tools globally to give you a broader reach to help others.
  3. Know somehow within yourself, you are here to do this type of work to help our planet/people at this time.

Enhanced Healing Symbol EHS – upgraded for today
1. Align 3 centres of the body – a key element for you personally, used to safe guard your home, family, clear your groceries, put an entrainment field around love ones, and much more. This is done by attuning you to a special tool that is here for the consciousness that is arising on the planet. A tool for our time now!! 
A tool for life!!
It works  wonderfully globally.
(a 3 weeks program) 

The Inner Family Introductory Program

Although there are 8 main members of the Inner Family, we start out here to learn the first 4, which includes the Inner Child, Inner Nurturer, Inner Sage and Inner Warrior.  The Inner Child has such a key position for us to understand.  These are on a vertical axis within us. The Inner Family also relate to the 3-centres of the EHS. These 4 members of the Inner Family also affect clearing up our negative emotions from the Emotional, Physical, Mental and Spiritual Levels.

  1. We begin to learn about the IF members and how they relate to each other
  2. Understanding their significance
  3. How they relate to the 12 meridians for clearing these.
  4. A four step easy method to release emotions using these 4 IF members
  5. Until we are clear, we are not the best vessel for being a conduit for the higher energies to run through us. Which leads to the next program. (This is an 8-week program)

The 12 Meridians and the 12 Fields

Fragrance Alchemy Oils                                           

A new ‘cutting edge’ healing program is here now to clear the meridians The old paradigms or ways of thinking are dissolving.  To be on the cutting edge of this new reality takes some learning and inward change to step into this exciting time where we are now growing by inspiration.

They are specifically formulated to carry the frequencies of higher vibratory states to the meridians, and dissolve the negative emotions in the meridians. No other oils on the planet have their high frequency and potency that can dissolve the emotional debris that is stuck in the meridians. They work in-person and/or remotely. The meridians hold our intent for manifestation, and flow our life energy — nothing can manifest in our life that is not activated in the meridian system.

FA Oils

This program is for a special audience:

  1. Are you on a spiritual path of learning?
  2. For those who hope to have a future business in healing, or who already have a healing business.
  3. Would like to work globally to have a broader reach. These tools give you a wide field to be able to work in.
  4. Looking to do healing with not just one person, but with groups.
  5. Interested in stepping into learn how to regenerate, rejuvenate and heal the body.

  Life is drastically changing and you may be feeling off-balance, such as:

  • Sensing a feeling or knowing, that “I am here to bring something out”, however not sure how to bring it out and not sure quite what that is.
  • Are you feeling being lost and without direction that may be mistaken for depression?
  • You sense you are not fitting in like you used to.  The resonance with certain people you have been sharing life with just is not there anymore.
  • Finding yourself misunderstood and get hostile reactions or resistance when you do speak up. You may hold back because you simply feel in dissonance with what you see around you.
  • Things that used to interest you or bring you enjoyment leave you feeling flat.
  • Old emotions you thought you had gotten over are resurfacing.

What is happening is that the new reality is seeking to emerge, but the old overlays of illusion are blocking it. The  new reality is vastly different.   The secrets of manifestation no longer apply, as they only worked in the old. It is time to upgrade the body so that it can attune to the new.


Releasing emotions held in the 12 meridians and their organs brings profound healing that happens alchemically now. The organs ‘organize’ life, and when the trapped stories of pain are released, life can more easily upgrade to the new.

The healed Heart restores the joy of life—we become self-referencing for approval, self-supportive– releasing neediness, and allowing others their freedom. This opens us to engaging life in new ways, which is the basis for regeneration of the body. 

I invite you to experience the vitalizing power of these rare fragrances that can shed age-old debris and density from the body, and support a wondrous life of freedom beyond programs of aging and decay.

Done through new techniques that have surfaced for easier release. In combination with the oils, profound release and transformation is made so much easier.

(This is a 12 week program)

When you live the truth of who you are and express authentically, you invite magic into your life and the lives of those around you.

Fragrance Alchemy comes from the great Seer Almine.

New techniques in emotional alchemy in the meridians is the work of Anita Briggs

  • Date: Thursdays:  to be announced
  • Time: 6:00pm – 7:15pm EDT, 7:00pm – 8:15pm ADT
  • Place: On Zoom                                                              

Fragrance Alchemy Oils to clear 12 Ordinary Meridians – $110.00US + tax + shipping

The kit for the 12 Ordinary Meridians may be purchased in 3.5 bottles that have the convenient dropper, and 18 ml size for practitioners and those who use the oils frequently.

$110.00–$575.00 USD + TAXES + SHIPPING

Choose a Package

12 Alchemical Oils to Clear the 12 Ordinary Meridians
$110.00–$575.00 USD + Taxes + Shipping
Choose a Package

If you prefer to use e-transfer for any of these transactions please use:

Please call me for a 30-minute free consult at 902-830-2822 


Several Testimonials:

Click here to see more video testimonials.

In remote healings I have never met, seen or spoken to the people I am working on. These are family members who ask me to help a loved one out.

Request from a client of mine to do a remote healing session on a relative of hers in Scotland 

In early October 2018 a family member of mine went into severe anaphylactic shock after being injected with a medicine at an eye appointment.  I had only just met this relative in June when I visited her in Edinburgh, Scotland. Medical staff were able to start her heart after 15 minutes. She was considered stable and put on life support machines.  She was now in an induced coma. I didn’t find out about all this till a week later.

The doctors had told the family that if she did come out of the coma she may have brain damage since her brain had been without oxygen for 15 mins.  Also, they said she may have trouble remembering family members and have difficulty communicating. I asked Lynne, who lives here in Nova Scotia, Canada, if she could do a Belvaspata ceremony for her.

After just one remote healing ceremony, she woke up and was able to recognize family members and could communicate with them. She needed a lot of physio to relearn how to walk after being in a coma. I am thankful to say she was able to go home around Christmas and has made steady progress. She is now able to take steps with a walker.  I am amazed at her recovery. I feel it is a miracle given the grim prognosis from her doctors. I am grateful that Lynne was able to bring newness to her life.

Val Mosher in Halifax, Nova Scotia

This shows the potency of these oils used. 

“You know that phone call in the middle of the night; over a year and a half ago, from a brother telling me that my mom was dying; to come right away. Fast forward to the next spring; upon the fourth separate occasion that a life sustaining miracle happened, when Lynne came to my house.

At that time my mom took another turn, she had serious infection, her blood work was all over the map among other health concerns. The quiet worry for all; is this her time again?

Lynne’s gift(s) thankfully were the key to my mom’s turnaround. The next couple of days, my sister wrote in a family email that all the test results were normal with the exception of high blood pressure.  That certainly was not the same medical test result only days before. Lynne is certified in a very powerful healing technique called the Belvaspata (BVP). I witnessed this unbelievable turnaround over a year ago and to date, my mother has never had any more turns for the worse.

Marie S., Orleans, Ontario

Sample testimonials from recent workshops:

Note: People are not required to share what they want to work on in the workshop….that is kept private and confidential…even from me. These comments are some that were volunteered after they went through the process.

“I recently participated in one of Lynne’s Fragrance Alchemy workshops and it was such an amazing experience – I really loved it!! In a nutshell, the session allowed me to embrace my true self by shedding old negative emotions that were holding me back. I feel so grateful for that effortless emotional release and I strongly encourage everyone to try these powerful and potentially life-changing oils!”

Pascale Levert, Ottawa Ontario (I’m looking forward to the next workshop.)

The remote healing you performed Sunday Lynne was very helpful and it gave me a high healing energy lift. Creativity arise! And my senses are very attuned since Sunday especially my heart, ears and crown chakra. I feel wonderful! Talk to you soon.

Geneviève Richer Orleans Ontario (Belvaspata)

Janice’s life changed when she participated in a Canada-wide meditation I offered earlier this year. Listen to what she experienced in this testimonial.

”This session I attended and it was flipping awesome”

Sair Ching – Bedford N.S.

“I had the opportunity to do a workshop with Lynne on how to overcome worry and anxiety. Lynne is very good at helping you calm your mind and let go of worries or things that hold you back from enjoying life and living in the present moment. I think everyone could learn a lot from her. Very intuitive and professional. I am looking forward to doing more sessions with her.

Shelly Monroe Dartmouth N.S.

I was asked to do a medication with participants from across Canada with Collective Consciousness earlier this year and Maryann was one of those. Her results impressed her so much that she signed on for some of my upcoming courses.

“Once I got home from Halifax, it was absolutely unbelievable how I felt (so calm, so refreshed, so focused), and how undisturbed my mind was when I received correspondence from a person I had been having an issue with. So happy to be part of this experience…I can’t wait for the next session!”

Jeannette D., Prince Edward Island, Canada

“This workshop was really great to be a part of. My mind was so open, I was totally relaxed and felt that I was truly in the moment going through the processes. Thank you.”

Christine Nickerson Dartmouth, N.S. Canada

“As I worked on my particular issue, it allowed me to release emotions that I have been harbouring for a long time. I want to come back and participate in more workshops. Many thanks to you Lynne for your guidance and the help with my healing…in both mind and spirit!”

C. S.P. Halifax, N.S. Canada

“I feel so calm and at the same time, so much lighter. When you worked with clearing the trauma at birth from us, I could not believe the amount that I had released. I am still amazed…maybe that is why I feel lighter….truly amazing! Thank you so much Lynne for leading us through the 3 processes….I want to learn more.”

Linda Potter. Halifax, N.S. Canada

“I have been on quite a few medications for something I suffer with. I went to Lynne because she had amazing results with a friend of mine clearing a phobia she had for a long time. After going through an exercise, and stating some affirmations and intentions, I left not knowing what to think. I saw Lynne about just over a couple of weeks later and I gave her a huge hug. She did not realize the gift she had given me. I am down to only 2 medications now, and am feeling so much clearer and healthier”

Katie T. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Canada

“The sessions were inspiring and supportive. I felt completely safe to be myself and to access my higher self. LifeSmith Coaching is integrative, powerful, results driven and practical. THANKS Lynne, for being the loving, talented and wise person that you are!”

Alison M. Conners Nova Scotia, Canada

“I would never have figured that out!!” “Oh my goodness – that now makes sense why I have been the way I have.”

Angela, Cape Breton, N.S. Canada

“I know exactly what career path I am going to choose. I came here with a choice of two and now I am certain which one I am going to take. Thank you.”

Allison Kirkpatrick – Halifax, N.S. Canada

“I didn’t want to tell anyone what I was working on, but I can’t believe it has totally gone. I was really hurt and angry at some of my family regarding a situation, and have had that for years. When I try to get that feeling back now – it is not there!”

Judith – Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada

“I have never been so relaxed and calm in years!! I want another session!”

C.A. Dartmouth, N.S. Canada

“Today I was trying to think of what the blockage was that I cleared in the afternoon and I couldn’t remember it…almost like it was never there. I am truly looking forward to learning more.”

Val Mosher Dartmouth, N.S. Canada

“When you asked us to rate the number of intensity within us out of 10, I was an 8-9. When the process was over I could not detect a number. I felt peaceful. The peaceful feeling was wonderful”

Michele. McQuaid, Timberlea, NS. Canada

“From the workshop I realized where the blocks/barriers were coming from. I started the exercise you put us through with and 8 out of 10. Now I am waiting to see if it comes back. I thought the examples and personal experience was great and I am better able to understand myself”

J.W. Halifax, N.S. Canada

“The process was very peaceful and calming. I experienced changing from and 8 to a 2 in just the first time through. It was so nice to release something within, take time for myself and focus on myself”

Diane J. Halifax, N.S. Canada

“Last night’s session was incredible! I have been much more happy and relaxed today. Lynne is warm, vibrant, and very knowledgeable”

W.P. Dartmouth, N.S. Canada

“It is obvious that the foundation of this unique workshop consists of much thought, creativity and wisdom. Lynne’s natural ability to place emphasis on pertinent issues remained constant. – with lots of encouragement, honesty and humour. A truly uplifting experience.”

Carol A. Stewart Bedford, NS, Canada

“The pain that was around my heart area when I came into this session has completely gone. I could feel the energy moving in me as it was releasing”

R.M., Bedford, NS. Canada

“I had pain across my chest with an intensity of 8-9 when we began. I felt tingling in that area as we went through the process. I cannot get that feeling of pain back…it is gone.”

June Petrie. Halifax NS Canada

“I had a wonderful release from the Discovering Your True Self Workshop. I could feel it just release right through my body”

Sandra Banfield. Bedford, N.S.

Workshops offered:

  1. Dissolving Depression
  2. Releasing Anxiety, Stress and Worry
  3. Releasing Trauma from the Body

Let me help you

Contact me for a free consultation today!