LifeSmith Coaching Successes

Release negative emotions – Feel better Quicker
LifeSmith coaching releases negative emotions so you feel better quicker by using new cutting edge tools. Using a guided meditation process with new tools and methods applied
- You release the issue(s) and you feel better quicker
- You enjoy feeling relaxed and begin to embrace life again
- Often depression is released in just one or two sessions
Change comes from untilizing the different specific techniques:
- You feel a release from the internal barriers/feelings that were causing the issue
- You are able to feel at a physical level the relief of tensions from your issue
- Emotions are released that have plagued this issue
- You have a new sense of awareness, perspective and freedom from the issue
Samples of emotions/patterns that can be released:
- Anxiety, guilt, stress, worry, blame, depression, shame, grief, anger, self-pity, insecurity, sadness, abandonment, feeling unfulfilled, fear, emotional injury, jealousy, regret, hopelessness, , rage, feeling stagnant/stuck, phobias, trauma and obsessiveness.
Personal Program designed for your specific needs:
- We uncover what you are looking to release (if in a group, no one needs to share)
- You find the root cause that is holding you back
- Where within the body this is still occuring
- Then we utilize different strategies to have you overcome this issue
- Many release in just one session, others may need two or three.
Pricing: To be determined by consultation – 30 minute free consultation
Sample Testimonials:
“Over six months ago, I searched the net for life coaches in Halifax, because I needed someone to help me overcome my insecurities and anxieties. I needed someone who not only had life coaching tools, but who would also be there to help me work with them. In my search a few life coaches came up and I met with two of them. One of which was Lynne Smith. The moment I met her, I cannot help but remember her energy and spirit, as well as her warm and welcoming smile. Many life coaches out there try to give band aid solutions to ongoing issues.
However, Lynne Smith was devoted to finding the source of the problem, the cause of the symptoms, so to speak. And that made great sense, how can you solve a problem when you cannot identify the source? And that was exactly what I needed. Someone to help me see what was causing all my insecurities and anxieties. At the time when I met her, I had so much going on in my life, and I felt as though I was in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight, struggling to swim.
After I met her, I began to see a glimmer of land. She was like a large hand grabbing on to me and saving me from drowning. She was able to get my feet back on the ground. She was able to help me stand up, and dust myself off. She helped me gain my confidence again, and feel empowered to accomplish my goals. Within a short period of time, she helped me succeed in my career, get promoted and move on to a much more challenging position in my organization. Her ability to find the negative garbage in your head and resolve passed issues was amazing. I could not have gone though this year without her. I truly believe she has been a God-Send in my life, and I am so glad to have met her.”
R.B. Government Employee – Military, Halifax, Canada
“Lynne is like a little energizer bunny and being in her space is a joy. The lessons I have learned from Lynne in just 3 short sessions would have saved me 10 years of counseling and thousands of dollars in medical expenses. I had a challenge with claustrophobia, and had sought every form of treatment…whatever was offered…I tried it!! I tried conventional and unconventional methods, and although Lynne may appear to be unconventional, her method works! I feel so free and will be forever grateful to Lynne”.
Dalene Allen, Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada
“Follow up for with above claustrophobia client 3 weeks later “I just got back from a trip to China and I have to tell you it was wonderful. Normally I am ready to kill someone after half way in the airplane….this time I watched movies, slept, ate and had a wonderful trip on the plane there and back. I took my medication with me just in case and I never needed to use it.”
Dalene Allen, Canada
“I have worked with Lynne since July and have been profoundly changed in many ways. I have been able to release so many hurts from my past and have moving into a true freedom that is so priceless. My life will never be the same – I have been given a gift! Thank you Lynne. (Even my team that I work with have been noticing the changes)”
Robin C.R. Ontario, Canada
“Lynne Smith has an exceptional gift at using higher levels of consciousness and knowing to remove trauma from the body, mind, and spirit. She demonstrated a clear connection to the divine, allowing her to bring about extraordinary change in my life. She is passionate about her work and the amazing healing techniques that she has been given anointment of . I feel blessed that she was able to make a difference in my life.”
Dr. Nickerson Florida USA